"abortion is never justified?"你认为正确吗?给理由,用英文的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 00:47:35
"abortion is never justified." do you agree? give reasons for your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view. you must refer to Christianity is your answer.
这是我们的RE(religious education)的作业.请懂英文的同志伸出援手,不甚感激

I believe that abortion is never justified because I agree with the fact that life begins at the moment of conception and that life is sacred. I feel that a fetus has a right to life and that the only decisions made should be by God, as He caused the fetus to be conceived and I believe He has decided the life of the unborn child.
I can appreciate, however, that it could be very difficult for instance to bring up a disabled child. But in this instance, as in every other, abortion is not the answer. There are people in this world that cannot have children themselves, for whom any child would be a blessing. The same applies to conceptions as a result of rape. The sins of the child’s father are not the child’s fault, and rather than just try and brush over the matter by terminating the pregnancy, the effort should go into trying and bringing the rapist to justice.
"Children are a gift from God" (Psalm 127:3)
"Do not shed innocent blood" (Jeremiah 7:6